The VIN entered is invalid. Please check and try again.
function ajaxpopulate( data ) {
jQuery('.vin').addClass('success'); jQuery('#error').removeClass('activeError'); jQuery('.loading').removeClass('activeLoading'); jQuery('#stm_sell_a_car_form').removeClass('activeSell'); jQuery('#stm_motors_vin_decoder span').addClass('activeSpan');
let html = '
let count = 0; jQuery.each(data, function (title, colum) { let ctr = 0; let classeqip = ''; let _head = ''; let _class = count === 0 ? 'vc_toggle_active' : ''; html += '
' + title.toUpperCase() + '
'; }); stm_show_modal(html); }
function stm_show_modal(html) {
jQuery('.vc_toggle, .vc_toggle_').click(function () { jQuery(this).toggleClass('vc_toggle_active'); });
jQuery('#request-stm_vim_history .vc_toggle ').click(function (event) { if ( !== 'vc_toggle_title' && !== 'vc_toggle_icon' && !== 'accordion__title') { jQuery(this).addClass('vc_toggle_active'); } }); }
(function ($) {
$('.vin').on('input', function () {
$('.vin').removeClass('error_vin success'); $('#error').removeClass('activeError'); $('#stm_motors_vin_decoder').removeClass('activeVin'); $('#stm_motors_vin_decoder span').removeClass('activeSpan');
$('.error_message').css('display', 'none'); });
document.getElementsByClassName("sample_vin")[0].addEventListener('click', function () {
function stm_vin_error() {
$('.vin').addClass('error_vin'); $('#error').addClass('activeError');
$('#stm_motors_vin_decoder').addClass('activeVin'); $('.loading').removeClass('activeLoading'); $('.error_message').css('display', 'block'); stm_not_obj(); }
function stm_not_obj() { let html = '
Whoops, looks like something went wrong. Please and try again
'; stm_show_modal(html); } $('#checkVin').click(function (e) {
e.preventDefault(); let vin = $('.vin').val();
if(!vin.trim()) return;
$('.loading').addClass('activeLoading'); $('#stm_sell_a_car_form').addClass('activeSell'); var ajaxurl = '';
$.ajax({ url: ajaxurl, type: 'POST', data: { 'vin': vin, 'shortcode': 'yes', 'action': 'stm_vin_decoder_ajax_callback', },
success: function (data) { var dataspec = {}; var dt = []; $('#checkVin').text("Recheck"); if (data == null || data == 'undefined' ) { stm_vin_error(); return; } if ((typeof data) === "object" && Object.keys(data).length) { ajaxpopulate( data ); } else { stm_vin_error(); }
error: function () { stm_vin_error(); } }); }); })(jQuery)